GP services provided

General medical check-ups

Includes: blood pressure and blood sugar check ups,  physical examination and completion of PDP and medical assessments for visa forms.

Treatment of acute and common chronic illnesses

Includes: management and treatment of asthma, diabetes, hypertension.

Family planning counselling

Includes: helping clients make informed and voluntary choices about the number of children they would like to have and the spacing of the children within their family.

Pap smears

According to guidelines, papsmears must be performed at least every 3 yrs on woman aging 25 and up to screen for early signs of cervical cancer.

Ear Syringing

Includes: ear wax removal aiding with blocked ears and ear pain.


Includes: treatment which is delivered in a therapeutic dose of medicine (in the form of breathable particles) over a period of time.


Includes: meauring and monitoring the heart’s rhythm and activity – ensuring that it is healthy and any issues are exposed and treated.


Includes: regular counselling and treatment of stress, depression and anxiety.